The Lie

Progressive thinkers have been bombarding our culture with their "enlightened thinking" for centuries. They have made increasingly effective changes in our culture for the past 150 years. Their tools for cultural change have been primarily in three areas: Evolution (We don't need a God for a beginning), Morality (There is no God to tell us what we can or cannot do), The State is our savior (Government knows best how to care for us, so they get to tell us what to do).

We can easily see that the center point for each tool of change is that God -- Creator God, God of Wisdom, God our Savior -- has been replaced with man's "enlightened" understanding. Persuasive arguments have been built -- all without proven facts, though argued that it is proven -- to lead individuals to fully accept and live by this new "culture of kindness". This "culture of kindness" has no place for judgment of sin, since there is no sin, in their view. Instead, we are to embrace every way of life as normal since we all descended from the same monkey. Christians who have accepted this thinking have become postmodern Christians, individuals who are adherents to what must be called a new religion, not Biblical Christianity. Biblical Christians believe the Bible to be God's Word (note the introduction to this series), they believe God created everything in its order, they believe God's wisdom tells us what are behaviors that are harmful to mankind, and therefore informs us to not behave in such a manner (else we sin), and they believe that God is the only One who can completely and eternally care for us, and thus has the eternal wisdom to tell us what to do.

So called Postmodern Christianity and its followers believe science has proven evolution to be true, and so they tack God onto evolution in various places. Postmodern Christianity believes that God is only about love (not the Agape Love of the Scriptures), a love where no action is outside his love, so a person and his behavior is loved without any attempt to change the behavior (more on this later). And Postmodern Christianity believes that the State is the supreme power and savior of the world, and therefore individual nations must surrender to a one world government that enables mankind to live in perfect peace. Postmodern Christianity is not a part of the New Testament church, but a new religion where God has been stripped of His power and authority.

Mankind has, since the very beginning, been susceptible to ideas that say "I can make myself better," "I can work my way into heaven," "I can choose to do whatever I want," "I can make the world a better place by convincing mankind to just love one another," etc. Believing such ideas (proven time and time again to be false) has opened the mind of individuals to the suggestion that God got it wrong. Satan's first statement to a member of the human race was, ""Has God indeed said?" Basically, "Don't you know that God is lying to you?"

Ever since the opening suggestion of a lie, man has believed that either God has lied to us, trying to steal away our fun, or that the very idea of a God is a lie. While Americans continually strive to believe that all we have to do is accept everyone just as they are, and that will lead to a peaceful society, there is another culture that believes that the only good world is one where everyone has been killed who doesn't believe in their version of their religion. They even kill anyone in their religion who doesn't accept their particular version of religion. Therefore, the gullible Americans open their arms to show their acceptance and the killing religion shoots them dead. If the killing religion is allowed to continue they will kill half of the human population, eliminating all who will not believe their religion, and then they will continue to kill each other until mankind has slaughtered itself. And Satan will have had his victory.

Progressive thought has one primary objective by its creators and the upper levels of its leaders: a world where everyone comes under their control and leadership. The killing religion has as its objective to control the whole world and make everyone a follower of their version of their religion. The two objectives, if allowed to continue, will clash and most of us will die. The one will never make peace with the other. They will simply play the diplomatic game until one thinks it has the advantage over the other, and then death of thousands will occur. All of this is because the God of Creation, the Eternally Wise God, has been tagged the liar, or tagged as the hoax of the mythical God. All of this comes from the one who has, since the beginning, desired to be god and sit as god on the high throne. That is, of course, Satan, otherwise called Lucifer (read Isaiah 14:12-15).

Both Progressive Thought and Postmodern Christianity are designed as "feel good" thinking to serve as a trap to lead their followers away for a Biblical God and into an environment of control over their persons much worse than the so-called restraints of the God of the Bible. The Biblical God says of His way of life as a "yoke that is easy, and burdens that are light". Progressive Thought leaders believe in the state owning everything, so tax is simply returning to the state that which is already the state's. They, therefore, may tax as much as they like. God, on the other hand, asks only that we give back ten percent, and says: "Test me in this and see if I don't open up heaven itself to you and pour out blessings beyond your wildest dreams" (Malachi 3:10).

There is a lie in our culture. It does not come from the Biblical God or His Word. It comes from the accusers of God; at the same time they also accuse God's faithful followers. They accuse to cover up their real intentions, and America and the world believes the accusations because they do not want to believe in sin and our accountability to God for that sin, despite the fact that God sent His Son to take away our accountability, if we but will believe in this saving grace. Stubborn mankind. Believe the lie and reject saving grace! May we not be that stupid from this date forward!


Editor's note: Jim Duncan is the pastor of Mountain Bible Church, Mountain, Mo. He may be contacted at P.O. Box 146, Pea Ridge, AR 72751; or by telephone at 417-341-8504; by e-mail at [email protected]. His Web site is

Religion on 01/28/2015