Letter to the Editor

Why parents?

I'm not writing this thinking that is will get published cause I'm not a writer. I don't like seeing how the youth is acting. There was 4 teenagers arrested for stealing a truck. My mom beat me and my brother for throwing cake at each other cause we were mad at each other. The next time we got in a car we did not move a muscle for a long time.

It is okay to punish your kids when they do wrong. They need to be taught right from wrong. The reason I care is cause I don't want to see them where I am. If you do not start punishing your kids they're going to think what they're doing is okay.

When the become adults, they will get charged with a felony and I will be seeing them in prison. I've been in prison for almost for 5 years on a charge that they had no evidence proving that I did it. So if they can convict me on a charge with no Evidence and have me stay in prison until I'm 50 years old and I'm only 24 years old. I was 19 years old when I came to prison. Imagine what they can do to a person with evidence.

Why parents won't you punish your kid's for their wrong doing? Please do it for their future. I do not want to see them come to prison. I do care about our youth's future.

P.S I enjoy the paper. I miss home and everyone there. Keep up the good work.


Monty StidamVarner Unit State PrisonPine Bluff, Ark.

Editorial on 02/12/2014