Letter to the editor

Two thumbs up!

At 2 p.m. on Wednesday in 91-degree heat, while pulling back into my parking spot at work from lunch, I observed what it really means to serve and protect.

While other drivers went around or through the Diego's parking, I watched Sgt. John Langham of the Pea Ridge Police Department pull his car into the EZ Mart parking lot and rush over to a stalled truck that was sitting at the four-way stop facing north. Sgt. Langham began to push the truck as the driver steered. They turned the truck east bound and eventually into the Pizza Hut parking lot.

I'm sure many people will argue that is his job. But, so often people take our first responders for granted. We complain about them until we need something and then we complain that they didn't do it correctly. We need to remember these men and women put their lives at stake, taking time from their families to protect and serve us on a daily basis. They are still people and deserve to be treated as such.

Sgt. Langham didn't have to stop to help that man, he could have kept on as though he had some place else to be. But, he didn't. He chose to serve his community.

Always proud to be from Pea Ridge.

Kara Howard

Pea Ridge

Editorial on 08/15/2018