It's NOT about you!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

It's not about you.

When the checkout clerk at the store is rude and frowning, it's not about you.

When the driver on the highway cuts you off at the exit ramp, it's not about you.

When your child throws a temper tantrum, it's not about you.

When the athletic team you're on has to run laps, it's not about you.

You are not the center of the universe nor the world.

For a newborn child, the center of their world is themselves and their caregiver.

For a 2-year-old, the center of their world is themselves.

As we mature, we should let go of that narcissistic focus and see beyond ourselves, increasing our empathy and allowing the trials and tribulations of our life to fill our repertoire of experiences for which we can share consolation to others.

But, when you are still the center of your world as an adult, you will constantly be frustrated.

When someone is cross, rude, condescending, try to see their trials, their pain, their frustration and smile at them, try to bless them, pray for them and realize it may be that they've had a particularly bad day and are completely self-absorbed with their grief that has morphed into anger at the world.


Editor's note: Annette Beard is the managing editor of The Times of Northeast Benton County. The opinions expressed are those of the author. She can be reached at [email protected].

Editorial on 09/13/2017