Letter to the Editor

Dear Mr. Nichols:

I certainly enjoy your column, I belong to the same generation as you, was raised on a farm near Pea Ridge and have seen a lot of change in society as you have. This is change in about every aspect of life, mainly including technology, human behavior and matters dealing with economy.

I also enjoy the other columns as they appear to me to be of a common sense reasonably conservative nature. I enjoy Mr. Lynch's perceptive analysis of human limitations regarding human frailty and the limits to what man can to do as to provide a reasonable quality of life for most people. In that regard, it's almost amusing to see the reactions of some in public regarding the defeat of Hillary Clinton. Most of the people in the editorial section of The New York Times sounding as if they just disembarked from a space craft.

Sincerely,Bill Cash, Jr.

Editorial on 01/18/2017