Letter to the Editor

Use common business sense


Thirty-three years in business taught me a few things.

First, if you want or need something, you must pay for it. Second, common sense and intelligent dialogue are a must in making decisions or proposals.

Let's look at the first. The residents of rural Benton County, whether they want it or not, need ambulance service. Those who disagree will probably scream the loudest when this need is not met. Second, common sense and intelligent dialogue would suggest that only those with this need pay for it. That leaves out city residents and those in the Northeast Benton County Fire & EMS District (NEBCO).

Sadly, the Quorum Court, lacking both common sense and intelligent dialogue, are mulling over two proposals that make no sense. The first is to raise millage on all Benton County residents. Doesn't make much sense if you live in a city or NEBCO's service area. The second is to charge $40 per household in the unserved rural county area. Makes more sense but is not enough to cover the actual operating costs that will be incurred. So how do you make up the deficit? You dig into the county general fund. Another example of deficit spending now at the county level.

My recommendation based on, I believe common sense and intelligence (some will argue this), is to work up a proposal based on a factual business plan for rural county ambulance service and get out there and sell it. If you've done your homework and have the facts correct, selling it should not be that difficult. You're not going to sell anything sitting in chambers in the county administration building discussing it ad nauseum. Bottom line, do your job.

Pete RathmellGarfield, Ark.

Editorial on 07/30/2014