Playful pals


Dog -- Brown female, 50-60 lb. with collar, missing eye, found on Blue Jay Road, 282-9151

Dog -- Male pug, fawn and black; call Brooke, 721-1238LOST ANIMALS

Dog -- Pyrenees and lab mix, looks like a border collie, had black collar, name is Shadow, call Amber at 426-4936

Dog-- 2-year old, male boxer, answers to Duke; call 451-1356 or 330-0067

Dog -- Female, shih tzu, tan and white, call Kristian 721-9920FREE ANIMALS

Dog -- Beagle, 7 years old, call Jon at 387-5985

To list animals, call 451-1196.

or e-mail [email protected]. Please notify The TIMES when the animal is recovered or given away. No "for sale" animals.

Community on 01/29/2014