Fathers, lead family to church

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I was having lunch with my pastor and another man from our church.

He said something that has stuck in my mind. He said that Father’s Day has become a low turnout day for church. Mother’s Day has traditionally been one of those Sundays that the church is packed. As we were talking about it he said “Mom wants the family to be at church for Mother’s Day.” That is true about my mom and most of the moms in our church. Let me ask a question to you dads, is that where you want your family on Sunday?

It is not really fair the way that society has treated fathers. If you watch sitcoms or movies, there is usually a man that is an idiot and is being laughed at. I really don’t want to be known as the moron of my family. I want to be known for my relationship with Christ more than anything else. I am a follower of Christ, a husband and a father. I have a calling to be a pastor as an occupation but ALL fathers have a calling to a pastor of their own home.

As fathers, we are called to be the spiritual leaders of our homes. We do this by insuring that Christ is the center of our homes.

We pray for our kids and our wives on a daily basis.

I go in and pray for my boys when they are sleeping. We pray when they have a bad day or a bad dream. My wife and I take opportunities to make life full of teachable moments. We are not super Christians nor are we winning awards for the parents of the year, but because I know about my own sinful way I know that is important to have Christ be the center of our home.

We don’t live our lives in such a way that we are teaching our boys to be little legalists. I want my boys to know the grace and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. That means that I have to be willing to show them the same grace and forgiveness that Christ has shown me. We try to giveeach other a hug after a discipline moment.

You have probably heard this, but it is worth saying it again. Our kids learn a lot from what they watch us do. They are constantly watching our actions and the way that we react. I don’t always remember this as I make some foolish choices in life, but I want to ensure that they know this: My dad loved Jesus with all his heart, soul and mind.

My dad loves my mom very much (and he shows it). My dad loves me unconditionally.

In church leadership circles there is this saying “Win the dad to Christ and the family will follow.” There has been a ton of research to show that your family will follow your lead when it comes to being the spiritual leader of the home. Being the spiritual leader means taking the lead on praying with and for your family. It also means sharing the truth of God’s Word with your family and making church a priority in your family.

So fathers, let’s make this Father’s Day the start of high attendance Sunday. Encourage other fathers to be at church this Father’s Day and for many more to come.


Editor’s note: Michael Smith is the youth pastor of First Baptist Church, Pea Ridge. He can be contacted at [email protected].

Church, Pages 2 on 06/15/2011