Pastor’s Corner

No hell raising allowed here

We have a swimming hole where we enjoy swimming. It is a beautiful place where the water is crystal clear. Large shade trees line the banks where one can picnic or camp. And, of course, there is a rope swing where the kids and kids at heart can take the plunge into the deep cold water. It’s a tranquil place where you can relax and enjoy God’s beautiful creation.

As you enter this little piece of paradise, you will notice a sign nailed to a tree. It says, “This is a little piece of heaven on earth so we don’t allow any hell raising around here!”

That is like one of the requests we find in the Lord’s prayer. When Jesus taught the disciples to pray one of the petitions Jesus made was, “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Whenwe pray along those lines we are asking our Father in heaven to let heaven invade earth. We are praying that if it’s not happening in heaven, then we don’t want it to happen here. If it’s in heaven, then we want that to happen here.

It’s easy to look around and see that there are many things going on in this world that is not the will of God. The shootings in Norway, 9/11 and abortion are some that readily come to mind. But, let’s not forget about the unforgiveness, hate and bitterness in some families. Those things are certainly not His will. We will not find anyof those things in heaven.

So when we pray that his will be done on earth as it is in heaven, we are asking that we learn to forgive and show not bitterness but the love and compassion of Christ.

I don’t have a sign on my house that says, “This is a little piece of heaven on earth so we don’t allow any hell raising around here.” But, I have a prayer that pretty much says the same thing. I’ll share it with you.

You may want to pray this over your family today.

“Father, I thank you for my family and I recognize that they are a gift from you. I pray for protection from the evil one. I pray that you will protect us from all of his schemes. In the name of Jesus, I bind up and cast out the spirit of sickness, hate, unforgiveness, bitterness and fear for they have no right to touch my family. Father, I ask that as we live by the Spirit that we will enjoy good health in our bodies minds, and spirit. I ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.”◊◊◊

Editor’s note: Tim Wallace is pastor of Cross Brand Church. To contact him, e-mail [email protected].

For more of Tim’s articles, go to www.tallinthesaddle.

Church, Pages 2 on 07/27/2011