School Corner The Street Rat

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

— One time there was a poor old rat. Everyone called him “The Street Rat.”

He dug in garbage and really stunk, too! He loved to tease all the cats by running back and forth by them. He had a friend named Henry, who was also a street rat.

Well, one day the cat inside had had it with all the teasing! The cat decided to get him.

At first, the street rat got away and the cat began feeling anxious and started running like a streak oflightning. Finally the cat had him surrounded. The Street Rat looked at all the openings ... there was one!

He made a run for it.

The cat caught him though and Street Rat began yelling, “Henry! Henry! Help!”

Henry was outside.

Street Rat yelled again andthat time Henry heard a squeak! So Henry continued walking and the sound was getting closer and closer. Finally, Henry found himself right where Street Rat was! Henry did what any responsible street rat would do, he distracted the cat. Then Henry and Street Rat ran far away.

They never came near or teased that cat again!


Editor’s note: Jessamie Pavatt is a third-grade student at Garfield Elementary School and is the daughter of Aaron and Tracie Pavatt.

School, Pages 9 on 02/02/2011