Pastor’s Corner Finding true peace

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

— I went through a phase in the third grade when I wanted to be a hippy. That was around 1970, so it was cool and groovy to be a hippy. So I started to look the part: long hair and bell bottom pants with peace signs down the sides of both legs. I finished off the look by giving folks the v-shaped peace sign and would greet them with a “Peace Brother.” Of course being 8 years old, I wasn’t quite sure what peace really meant or how important it is for a person’s physical, emotional and spiritual well being. But then again, there are folks from 8 to 80 years of age that are not quite sure what true peace is or how to get it.

The Bible has plenty of real life stories of folks that discovered the secret to true peace. One such story is the story of a man named Stephen. The story can be found in Acts 6 and 7. A church leader by the name of Stephen was brought before a Jewish council who was accusing him of speaking blasphemous words against Moses. Stephen gives a long speech and then accuses the council of being stiff-necked, always resisting the Holy Spirit and of murdering the righteous one. To say that this stirred up the council would be an understatement. Have you ever stirred up a yellow jacket’s nest? This would have been similar. They were so overtaken by their anger that they drug Stephen away and stoned him to death.

This is probably not the best selection for a small child’s bed time story. Yet oddly enough in this story, I see peace. You may ask, “Where do you see peace in this violent story?”

I don’t see any evidence of peace in the angry mob.

This story tells that they were grinding their teeth, covering their ears and were enraged to the point of murdering Stephen. I do see evidence of true peace in Stephen. Stephen is on the receiving end of anger. Yet his response is amazing. He didn’t focus on the angry mob, his focus was on a loving Savior. He didn’t have words of bitterness or cursing toward his enemies, but words of blessing as he asked God to not hold this sin against them. Although his death, was violent it is referred to “falling asleep.”

What was the source of this unusual peace? His peace was determined by where he looked. Scripture records that he looked up.

He saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. While the mob was out of control, Stephen was able to see beyond his temporary trial and know that God is in control. After all Jesus stood before the same murderous mob and now look at Him! He is victorious!

Therefore whether he lived or died, Stephen would come out on top.

What is your source of peace in when life seems out of control? Your peace or lack of will be determined by where you look.

Some focus on the problem and never see beyond the storm and they feel out of control. This leads to more anxiety which only adds insult to injury. Some will look to cheap substitutes to peace. You will not have to look far and you will find that the world does offer a lot of cheap substitutes that simply do not work.

However when we look up and keep our eyes on Jesus we are reminded that He has gone through the fire and came out victorious. While your life may seem out of control, God has it all under His control and for those who follow Christ; we will come out on top. So don’t be stiffnecked, look up!

Peace to you brothers and sisters through our Lord Jesus Christ!


Editor’s note: Tim Wallace is pastor of Cross Brand Church. To contact him, e-mail [email protected].

For more of Tim’s articles, go to www.tallinthesaddle.

Church, Pages 2 on 11/03/2010