— USA worships falsely

I have heard it said that America is a Christian nation. With the continued assumption of separation of church and state, a doctrine which has been read in the Constitution, one would be hard pressed to prove that America is a nation which represents any particular religion.

While America was allegedly founded upon Scriptural principles we need to be honest - it is not a theocracy (one Elohim), nor was it intended to be one. I know that most people believe that this is a Christian nation but that begs the questions: What exactly is a Christian nation? Is it a nation thatoperates according to the commandments of Yahweh?

If that is true, then America is disqualified by the fact that it permits freedom of religion. Yahweh does not want freedom of religion in his kingdom nor will he tolerate His people worshipping other pagan deities.

Regardless, America allows people to worship Satan or any other god or goddess - it permits both paganism and atheism. Christianity, Judaism, Islam or any one of countless religions just like the Hellenistic cultures of the Greco-Roman era.

America tolerates things which the Scriptures consider abominable and condones things that the Scripturesprohibit. America does not even abide by the Ten Commandments. In fact, it continues to remove the Ten Commandments from all public buildings. Therefore, just applying the standards set by the Scriptures, America, as a nation, certainly does not serve Yahweh.

Simply based upon certain observations, you would be forced to conclude that America is a pagan society. It even has a goddess to greet the new immigrants to the promised land. The Statue of Liberty represents the goddess of Liberty and is most likely the largest pagan statue ever erected in history. It was a gift from France who for a time outlawed the worship of all deity.

The goddess of (blind) Justice is in most of our state and federal courts. She is on many lawyers’ business cards and letterheads. Her name is Themis in the Greek culture and Justicia in the Roman culture. No matter how you say her name she is a pagan goddess.

In the medical profession we find the universal symbol of medicine which is presented by the staff and the snake which is a sign of Asklepios who was known in the ancient world as the patron deity of physicians.

The study of profession of psychiatry and psychology are named after the pagan deity Psych.

The dollar sign of two snakes with a staff was also used by medieval astrologers to denote the deity Mercury. In mythology, Mercury had rule over banking, commerce and financial transactions.

The Washington Monument and every church steeple in America is a male phallic symbol of sun worship.

Pagan worship is all around us and we do not ever realize it. We now need to ask ourselves if America is a nation which worships Yahweh, the creator of heaven and earth or his adversary Satan?

BOYD MCNIEL Pea Ridge, Ark.

Opinion, Pages 4 on 02/10/2010